Crystal Report 8.5 For Visual Basic 6.0
Crystal report free download. Attandance System Development Tools: 1. Visual Basic 6.0 2. Crystal Report 8.5 3. SQL Server 7.0. Nov 08, 2005 Hi there, Can anyone help me out, I am using crystal reports 8.5 and visual basic 6.0 I created a report and want to call it using vb6.0 and then show it.
. Crystal report merupakan salah satu product report designer yang banyak digunakan oleh para developer. Crystal report merupakan produk dari perusahaan Seagate.
Crystal report tersedia langsung pada Visual Basic 4.0 dan 5.0, tetapi pada Visual Basic 6.0 telah diganti dengan Data Report yang dibuat oleh Microsoft. Untuk penggunaan Crystal Report pada Visual Basic 6.0, anda harus menginstall secara terpisah aplikasi ini dan cukup dengan menambahkan component maka Crystal Report bisa langsung terhubung dengan visual basic 6.0. Silakan download melalui link berikut ini.
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For Loop Visual Basic
'am using crystal report 8.5. Am new to this one. My requirement is. Eg:in database there are fields like number,date,credit etc. But, there is no primary key. My number is like jv0607001, on.
But,for same number am having at least 2 to 3 entries with difference of date or credit etc. Jv0607001 2300.00 jv0607001 2400.00. Jv0607002 1500.00. So, in my report for that number i have to generate the report. For a single report am able to display.
So, my requirement is. User will give that THE DATES AS 'FROM TO ' so, i have to display the reports from date to the given date as seperate reports for every number. If there is one record in database against that number i can display. But,am unable to display for multiple records in database against that number. So, can any body please help me. If you have not understood the requirement please let me know. Please give me some solution //.- INTERESTED IN THIS MESSAGE?
RELATED CONTENT - Key Account Manager -.// '. Hi Mani, Its been quite some time since I forgot Crystal Reports 8. But my thoughts may help you code. Create a recordset with distinct 'number'. Loop through the recordset and select the data for your report based on the current value of the number (instead of selecting the entire report).
Within the loop fire the crystal report.ALTERNATIVELY- 1. Open the report in design mode. Group the data on the number field.
Right click on the grey area (left of report) the group (number). Select the check box 'new page after'. Note: any data that has be printed on every page should go into page header.
For Next Visual Basic
This would create a new page for every new 'number'. I hope this help. Navin -Original Message- am using crystal report 8.5. Am new to this one. My requirement is. Eg:in database there are fields like number,date,credit etc. But, there is no primary key.
My number is like jv0607001, on. But,for same number am having at least 2 to 3 entries with difference of date or credit etc. Jv0607001 2300.00 jv0607001 2400.00.
Jv0607002 1500.00. So, in my report for that number i have to generate the report. For a single report am able to display. So, my requirement is. User will give that THE DATES AS 'FROM TO ' so, i have to display the reports from date to the given date as seperate reports for every number. If there is one record in database against that number i can display. But,am unable to display for multiple records in database against that number.
So, can any body please help me. If you have not understood the requirement please let me know. Please give me some solution //.- INTERESTED IN THIS MESSAGE?
RELATED CONTENT - Key Account Manager -.//. Hi Mr.Navin, i have already tried with loop.
But for every iteration in the is opening new report window. If it is having 20 iterations then 20 REPORTS!!!!!!!!!! Alternative method is working. 'new page after' thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.Original Message- Hi Mani, Its been quite some time since I forgot Crystal Reports 8. But my thoughts may help you code. Create a recordset with distinct 'number'. Loop through the recordset and select the data for your report based on the current value of the number (instead of selecting the entire report). Within the loop fire the crystal report.ALTERNATIVELY- 1. Open the report in design mode. Group the data on the number field.
For Statement Visual Basic
Right click on the grey area (left of report) the group (number). Select the check box 'new page after'. Note: any data that has be printed on every page should go into page header. This would create a new page for every new 'number'. I hope this help. Navin //.- INTERESTED IN THIS MESSAGE? RELATED CONTENT - Systems Analyst - Finance (CO Primary) -.//.